Screening of Immunocompetent Coelomic Cells in Earthworms

Screening of Immunocompetent Coelomic Cells in Earthworms

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Author(s): Shweta Yadav

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.999 407 877 43-51 Volume 5 - Apr 2016


This study describes digital diagnostics density of different coelomic cells in various species of earthworms. Immunocompetent coelomic cells, of different species of earthworms (Eisenia fetida, Eudrilus eugeniae, Eudichogaster prashadi and Perionyx sansibaricus) were isolated and subcultured with exposure of modified cold shock treatment. Study shows that concurrent density of amoebocyte and eleocyte of various species of earthworms can be maintained efficiently for in-vitro studies. The number of coelomocytes per gram of body weight was recorded highest (5.0± 0.8 x106 /g) in E.fetida and lowest (2.8± 0.7 x106 /g) in P.sansibaricus. A high percentage of autofluroscence was recorded in eleocyte of Eisenia fetida followed by Perionyx sansibaricus. Aggregates of pigmented granules and brown bodies were recorded almost in all granular amoebocytes and were significantly high in E. prashadi. Study may serve as useful aid in further immuno-cytochemical bioremediation studies and to decipher mechanism of uptake of by coelomic cells of earthworms.


Coelomocytes, immunocompetent cells, eleocytes, imunocytochemiccal defence in earthworms, coelomic cells of earthworms


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