Estimation of Carbon Storage of Two Dominant Species in Deciduous Dipterocarp Forest in Chatthin Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar

Estimation of Carbon Storage of Two Dominant Species in Deciduous Dipterocarp Forest in Chatthin Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar

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Author(s): Yohan Lee, Zaw Zaw, Jinyoung Jung, Kay Zin Than

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.967 584 923 42-52 Volume 5 - Mar 2016


The carbon storage of two dominant species, vegetation and litter layer were assessed in Deciduous Dipterocarp forest in Chatthin Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar. A total of 37 tree species was found in the study area. Among the tree species, two dominant species were Dipterocarpus tuberculatus Roxb., and Shorea obtusa Wall. Biomass allometric equations for estimating the aboveground biomass were developed based on direct measurements of 40 individuals of those two species while allometric equations for estimating the belowground biomass were also developed through measuring 10 sample trees of those species. The carbon content of D. tuberculatus was 24.15 ton ha-1 while that of S. obtusa were 12.25 ton ha-1, respectively. In addition, the carbon contents of undergrowth vegetation and litter were 8.12 ton ha-1 and 3.7 ton ha-1, respectively. The best fit equation for estimating total biomass of D. tuberculatus was Log Y = 1.6058 + 0.9631 Log X, where R2 = 0.97 and that of S. obtusa was Log Y = 1.8069 + 0.9377 Log X, where R2 = 0.94. The equations derived from this study can be applied to estimate the carbon storage of D. tuberculatus and S. obtusa in Deciduous Dipterocarp forest in Myanmar.


Carbon storage, Deciduous Dipterocarp forest, Allometric equation, Dipterocarpus tuberculatus, Shorea obtuse


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