Proximate Characterisation and Physicochemical Properties of Raw and Boiled Milk Bush (Thevetia Peruviana) Seed

Proximate Characterisation and Physicochemical Properties of Raw and Boiled Milk Bush (Thevetia Peruviana) Seed

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Author(s): M. T. Akintelu, I. A. Amoo

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.960 431 918 16-21 Volume 5 - Mar 2016


This study examined the powdered sample of the raw and boiled seeds of thevetia Peruviana, the seeds were analysed for proximate composition, mineral content, while the oil extracted from the seeds were evaluated for physicochemical properties using standard methods. The results of the study showed that the proximate composition (%) of the raw and boiled samples respectively are moisture (2.00 and 2.89), ash (3.33 and 2.96), crude protein (30.10 and 29.6), crude fibre (4.79 and 5.21), crude fat ( 58.3 and 59.20), carbohydrate ( 1.80 and 0.30), and energy (2524.5 and 2521.1) KJ/g. While the physiochemical properties of the extracted oil are acid value (1.71 and 1.41) mg/g, peroxide value (3.85 and 11.51) mg/g, iodine value (83.89 and 76.20) mgKOH/g, saponification value (224.26 and 193.78)mg/g, unsaponification value (2.04 and 1.59)mg/g, density (0.89 and 0.88) g/dm3, specific gravity (0.91 and 0.93), refractive index at 320C (1.46 and 1.47) and viscosity (28.21 and 30.59) pal/sec. The mineral contents of both raw and boiled samples are in the order of P > K > Na > mg > Fe > Ca > Zn > Mn. Cd, Pb, Ca and Cr were detected in raw and boiled samples except Ca that was detected in raw sample. Generally, the high protein and fat contents show that the samples can be used in food and feed formulation while the saponification values, iodine values and the presence of some valuable minerals indicate that they can be used for other industrial purpose.


Thevetia Peruviana, Phytochemical, Proximate, Seed Oil


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