Novel low temperature route for large scale synthesis of ZnO quantum dots

Novel low temperature route for large scale synthesis of ZnO quantum dots

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Author(s): Hesham M.A. Soliman, Robina Shahid, Marwa Fathy, Mamoun Muhammed

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610 1730 153-161 Volume 1 - Dec 2012


A simple and fast method has been developed for the synthesis of zinc oxide quantum dots (QDs) with an average size of 3-4 nm. Zinc ions were chemically reduced to give thermodynamically unstable zinc particles, which were immediately oxidized to release thermodynamically stable zinc oxide nanopowder through a fast reduction/oxidation process. XRD and SAED analysis confirm the hexagonal wurtzite phase of ZnO. The UV-Vis absorption of ZnO QDs show quantum confinement effect in UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectra.


ZnO, Quantum Dots, reduction, oxidation, TEM, Optical properties


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