The Productivity and Structure of Sage (Salvia L.) Populations in the Territories of Lesser Caucasus Range

The Productivity and Structure of Sage (Salvia L.) Populations in the Territories of Lesser Caucasus Range

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Author(s): Saadat Guliyeva, Sabina Akhundova, Ramiz Alakbarov, Hilal Qasimov

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.947 316 716 70-76 Volume 5 - Feb 2016


18 populations of Salvia species are selected in the fitocenological complexes of the regions of Lesser Caucasus range (Nakhchivan AR and north-east regions of LC ). In these populations, the fitocenological state of 4 species (S.limbata, S.sclarea, S.verticulata və S.tesquicola) which are belonged to the breed, is estimated,their reserves are found out and the dynamics of the productivity in the ontogeny is determined.It is known that, in the populations, individuals belonged to the g1 və g2 phases of the ontogeny are more and at the same phase, the plant gives more product. Sage (Salvia L.) breed is one of the representatives of Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae Lindl.) family.27 species of the breed spread in the flora of Azerbaijan. 19 species of them spread in the flora of the Nakhchivan AR, and 12 species in the central, northern and eastern regions of Lesser Caucasus.Two of these territories – central and south are under Armenian occupation, that is why, only the population structure of the species in the north-east is found out. 9 species from 19 species which are come across in the flora of the Nakhchivan AR are merely characteristic for the region. 4 species which are come across in the north-east regions of Lesser Caucasus and in the autonomous republic, are selected and each of the species is in the surround of Lesser Caucasus range[nakh cons]. Referring to the literature,among them, S.limbata is not noted in the north-east regions of LC, but during the reserches, the same species are come across in the lower and central mountainous zones of the territory and in the dry stony-rocky slopes. It is a xerophyte plant, the territory is a new spreading field for it. In “Tartar” region, its new population is noted. Its other populations are noted in “Goranboy” and “Dashkesen” regions. 5-6 populations of the plant are setted in the Nakhchivan AR ( in “Babak”, “Sherur”, “ Kengerli” regions).From the other selected three species, S.verticulata is come across in the all regions of Azerbaijan, S.tesquicola is in the Nakhchivan plain and “Goygol” region in the north of LC,and S.sclareais in the east of LC range ( in the “Shamkir” and “Gadabay” regions) and in the Nakhchivan highlands.


Salvia, cenopopulation, plant reserve, productivity, age index, efficiency index.


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