Determination of Mineral Elements and Crude Protein of Eight Medicinal Plants from Central Côte D’ivoire

Determination of Mineral Elements and Crude Protein of Eight Medicinal Plants from Central Côte D’ivoire

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Author(s): Brice Kouakou BLA, Jeanne Akissi KOFFI, Dieudonné Kigbafori SILUE, Félix Houphouët YAPI, Joseph Allico DJAMAN

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.946 578 975 63-69 Volume 5 - Feb 2016


An ethnopharmacological survey carried out in the central region of Côte d’Ivoire enabled us select eight medicinal plants used to treat various human diseases. They are :Anthocleista djalonensis, Crossopteryx febrifuga, Harungana madagascariensis, Mangifera indica, Margaritaria discoidea, Pericopsis laxiflora, Spathodea campanulata and Terminalia glaucescens. The purpose of this study is to analyze the elemental content and crude protein and possibly evaluate the link to their therapeutic activities. The analysis by atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and zinc contents. The crude proteins were determined using the Kjeldahl method. The values of the mineral elements obtained in the different plants are as follows: Fe (237.46-383.1 ppm) Zn (3.43-33.76 ppm), Ca (17.63-129.05 ppm) P (23.63-36.06 ppm), Na (103.16-492.63 ppm) K (468.3-754.3 ppm) and Mg (736.3-743.79 ppm). The proportion of the crude proteins obtained was in the range of 5.46 to 12.38%. The possible relationship between these minerals elements found in these plants and its’ use as remedies against certain diseases is discussed.


Central Côte d’Ivoire, crude protein, elemental contents, medicinal plants


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