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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.943
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Volume 5 - Mar 2016
We assessed preference for Church Based Maternity Centers (CBMCs) among women seeking delivery services in Akoko South West Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. Using a descriptive cross-sectional study, 420 consenting women attending 11 identified CBMCs at Akoko South West Local Government (ASLG) were interviewed with a pretested interviewer administered semi-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was sectionalized into socio-demographic characteristics, perceived family support, pregnancy history and choice of delivery services. Data were analyzed and presented as frequency tables. The results shows that 52.8% of the respondents were age 30 years and above. More than one-third (46.6%) of the respondents gave birth at the CBMCs at last delivery and 35% preferred it for their next delivery. Main reasons for preferring the CBMCs for delivery among the respondents include, “for prayers” (68.8%), “is affordable” (31.8%) and “is close to domain” (28.4%). Problems reported by respondents to be associated with delivery services at CBMCs include, lack of health education (46%), poor handling of labour (26%) and late referral of complicated cases (22%). Preference for Church Based Maternity Centers for delivery was high among the women, with significant proportion of them reporting spiritual assistance as the main reason for preferring this service point. Hence, efforts directed towards sensitizing women of reproductive age on the importance of delivery at the hospitals and on dangers of using unskilled birth attendants during delivery are recommended.
Preference for delivery, Church Based Maternity Centers, Women of reproductive age
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