Economic Contribution of Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs) to Rural Livelihoods in the Tharawady District of Myanmar

Economic Contribution of Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs) to Rural Livelihoods in the Tharawady District of Myanmar

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Author(s): Junchang Liu, Kyaw Thu Moe

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.904 1121 2907 12-21 Volume 5 - Jan 2016


Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) income plays an important role in the household economy in the rural forest dwelling communities. This study use the data from 60 sample households of the three villages in Tharwady District of Myanmar to analysis the significant of NTFPs income in the rural household economy. Data collection was carried out through face to face household interview, focus group discussion, and government official interview. This study found that NTFPs income contributes 44.37%, and farm income and non-farm income contribute 32.55% and 23.07% to the total household income respectively. The lower and middle income level households derived more NTFPs income than high income level households. For low income households, share of NTFPs income in the total household income is over 75%. Major NTFPs include bamboo, thatch, firewood, charcoal, bamboo shoot, broom grass, bark and root, and others. Regression analysis showed that farm income, non-farm income and agricultural land own are scientifically and negatively correlated with the NTFPs incomes. This study suggests that Community Forestry (CF) programmes together with extension and environmental education programmes should be encouraged in order to reduce dependence on the natural forests. In considering the CF programmes it should be encouraged the participation of low and middle income household.


NTFPs, livelihoods, Tharawady District, Myanmar, NTFPs dependency, income level, CF


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