Reduction Activity in Sprouts in Salt Stress Conditions and Definition of the Accumulation Dynamics of Photosynthetic Pigments

Reduction Activity in Sprouts in Salt Stress Conditions and Definition of the Accumulation Dynamics of Photosynthetic Pigments

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Author(s): S. M. Abduyeva-Ismailova, N. A. Gasimov

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.891 305 791 79-84 Volume 4 - Dec 2015


The reduction activity was determined by colourimetric method on the 7-day etiolated wheat and pea sprouts’ roots and trunks that had been kept in salt stress (0.05M; 0.1M and 0.2M NaCl) conditions and directly affected by salt. Changes in the nature of the reduction activity was adequate for the whole experiment options with the effects of salt; a linear decrease of reduction activity was observed with the increasing concentration of salt solution. The only difference between the two options has been quantum. Taking into account the reduction activity's relation to the photosynthetic activity, in experiments changes of general amount of photosynthetic pigments in green seedlings under the effect of salt and the potential reduction of the root system according to the relations of donor-acceptor were also defined. The gained results show that 6-8 hours continuous lighting allows to enough accumulation of photosynthetic pigments and the amount of the reduction substances evicted to the root reaches a maximum with linear increase. While the low concentration of salt solution in wheat seedlings accelerates the synthesis of pigments with stimulating effect, this process is delayed in a high concentration; and saturation state for the pigments compared to the control system (8 hours) occurs more often (6 hours). The amount of the pigments and reduction potential of roots in pea seedlings on the whole experiments was lower than the control.


sprout, reduction activity, 2.6-DXFIF, optical density, instant salinization, amount of photosynthetic pigments


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