Author(s): Francisco Pedro Pinheiro, Aline Cristine Salum Fernandes Maia, José Germano Ferraz de Arruda, Luis César Fava Spessoto, Pedro Francisco Ferraz de Arruda, Fernando Nestor Fácio Júnior
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.881
~ 603
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a 68-72
Volume 4 - Dec 2015
The comfort of modern life causes two important side effects: physical inactivity and obesity. The current lifestyle is strongly influenced by sedentary behavior with a possible effect on sexual activity. The objective of this research was to investigate the association between erectile dysfunction (ED) and physical inactivity, considering: a) the clinical characterization of patients; b) an evaluation of the level of physical activity and c) a possible correlation between ED and physical activity. We prospectively studied 50 patients with ED treated between August 2014 and February 2015. The analysis of the association between the degree of ED (moderate and severe) and qualitative variables (diabetes, alcoholism, smoking and physical activity) was investigated using Pearson's chi-square test. Contrary to our initial expectations, the results show that 38 participants (76%) presented ED even though they were physically active and thus regular physical activity did not prevent ED. These results do not explain why so many active seniors had ED but perhaps the sample size was too small to arrive at conclusive data.
Physical Activity, Erectile Dysfunction, Human Health, Sedentary Lifestyle
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