An Example of Military Engineering in 16th Century: The Star Fort of Turin

An Example of Military Engineering in 16th Century: The Star Fort of Turin

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.880 611 1464 62-67 Volume 4 - Dec 2015


Star forts were the fortifications composed of many triangular bastions, created from 1520s, to replace those of the medieval age, and able of resisting the gunpowder weapons. These fortifications were also defined as “trace italienne”, because they were first planned and built in Italy. Some of these forts are still existing today, many had been destroyed or dismantled in the past. Here we will discuss the case of one of them, cancelled by an urban planning for expanding the town. It is the Citadel of Turin, of which only the Mastio survived.


History of Engineering, History of Science


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