Characterization of the SMYD Family of Lysine Methyltransferases: Reflections upon Key Findings and Therapeutic Implications

Characterization of the SMYD Family of Lysine Methyltransferases: Reflections upon Key Findings and Therapeutic Implications

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Author(s): Mark A. Brown, Melissa A. Edwards, Jenna Hoobler

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.878 342 831 55-57 Volume 4 - Dec 2015


It has been almost two decades since studies upon the SET-MYND (SMYD) family of lysine methyltransferases were first initiated following the serendipitous discovery of the SMYD1 gene. In that time, much has been learned about the roles of the SMYD family in processes ranging from embryogenesis to tumorigenesis. Herein, we reflect upon the implications of the ongoing characterization of the SMYD family with regard to the growing landscape of therapeutic targets.


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