Statistical Analysis of HIV/AIDS Awareness of Mothers: Ante-Natal Clinic of Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital (BMH)

Statistical Analysis of HIV/AIDS Awareness of Mothers: Ante-Natal Clinic of Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital (BMH)

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Author(s): Orumie, Ukamaka Cynthia, Da-Wariboko, Asikiye Yvonne

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.876 404 880 30-46 Volume 4 - Dec 2015


This study was conducted to analyse the HIV/AIDS awareness levels of mothers in Rivers state using mothers attending the Ante-natal clinic of the Braithwaite Memorial (BMH specialist) Hospital, Port Harcourt in Rivers State and the influence of their social demographic variables. This Descriptive cross sectional study was carried out among 344 Pregnant Mothers attending BMH Ante-natal clinic from June 2, 2015 to July 29, 2015. Simple random sampling method was applied to collect data which were analysed with simple percentage calculations and the chi-square test using SPSS.Higher percentage of the respondents were within the active reproductive age-group of 26-35 (57%), most of them are married and living with their husband (84.3%), also 58.7% of them have attained tertiary educational level and are predominantly Christians (94.3%), 35% of them are self- employed and mostly reside in urban area (96%), finally 52% of them have at least a child. The chi-square X2 test result indicated that majority of the respondent have a high level of awareness on HIV/AIDS (96%). The result further showed that there were significant association between the Marital status, Educational level, Parity and the Respondents’ Level of awareness of HIV/AIDS, whereas, there were no significant association between Age, Religion inclination, Occupation , Residence and the Respondents’ HIV/AIDS level of awareness.


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