The Mitochondrial DNA Mitotype of Louis XVII (1785-1795?)

The Mitochondrial DNA Mitotype of Louis XVII (1785-1795?)

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Author(s): Gerard Lucotte, Thierry Thomasset, Christian Crépin

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.865 477 1487 10-18 Volume 4 - Nov 2015


We have obtained mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from Louis XVII’s (1785-1795?) hairs : he was the son of the King of France, Louis XVI (1754-1793) and of Queen Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793). The authenticity of the hairs, which were kept in a medallion, is established by optic and electronic microscopy. Sequences of the hypervariable region 2(HVR2) of mtDNA (extracted from two different hairs) show four mutations : 152C, 194T, 263G and 315.1C. The corresponding mtDNA haplogroup is sub-haplogroup H2. As Marie-Antoinette had the same combination of HVR2 mutations, this confirms that Louis XVII is her son.


Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup, Louis XVII, Mutation in the Hypervariable Region 2


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