Age-Dependent Effects C57BL/6 Genetic Mutations under Mice Models of Parkinson’s Disease on Motor Ability

Age-Dependent Effects C57BL/6 Genetic Mutations under Mice Models of Parkinson’s Disease on Motor Ability

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Author(s): Lin Hou, Zhixiang Chen, Shengmin Zhao, Yaoyue Wei

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.855 304 891 9-11 Volume 4 - Oct 2015


As literature reported, C57BL/6 A53T mutant human alpha-synuclein under the mice is one successful model related to Parkinson’s disease(PD). In previous studies, over-accumulation of alpha-synuclein which lead to lewy body, were revealed to cause impairment on motor ability in Parkinson’s disease mouse model. Nevertheless, in the open filed test and the rota-rod test, hyperactivity and motor ability improvements at 12 months old was found in our study.


Parkinson’s Disease, Motor Ability, Hyperactivity, Genetic Mutation


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