Cationic Quaternized Chitosan Nanoparticles for C-phycocyanin Delivery to Hela Cells

Cationic Quaternized Chitosan Nanoparticles for C-phycocyanin Delivery to Hela Cells

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Author(s): Peng Yang, Bing Li, Cong-Yi Lv, Qi-Feng Yin, Yu-Juan Wang

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.834 306 890 17-23 Volume 4 - Sep 2015


In this study we synthesize C-PC/QAC nanoparticles using cationic quaternary ammonium chitosan (QAC) as substrate material loaded C-phycocyanin (C-PC) by ionic-gelation method. The prepared NPs was about 120nm size with spherical morphology, the entrapment efficient was 62%, and the drug-loading amount was 20%. The NPs exhibited a pH sensitive realease of C-PC in vitro. The drug-NPs were proved to be hemocompatible and safe. In conclusion, QAC increased bioavailability and anticancer property of C-PC.


Cancer Therapy, Drug Delivery, C-phycocyanin·Quaternary, Ammonium Chitosan, Nanoparticles


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