The Evaluatıon of the Athlete's Injury Cases who Make Trampoline Gymnastic at Denmark Ollerup Gymnastic High School

The Evaluatıon of the Athlete's Injury Cases who Make Trampoline Gymnastic at Denmark Ollerup Gymnastic High School

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Author(s): Oguzhan YOLCU, Recep KÜRKÇÜ

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.783 385 859 78-82 Volume 4 - Sep 2015


In this study, it is aimed to determine and inquire the reasons of the injuries of gymnasts at Ollerup gymnastic high school in Denmark and to make the institutions, athletes and trainers aware of the subject. The sample of the study consists of 30 male and 9 female gymnasts whose ages are 20,87±1,86 and who are trained at Ollerup gymnastic high school. The injury cases of the gymnasts are determined through 24 questions information and questionnaire form. The %47,3 of the gymnasts participated in the research told that their injuries were on their feet and ankles whereas %16,4 was at lower back. The types of the injuries are %36,4 twist, %18,2 tension. The reasons of the injuries are %43,6 overload, %14,5 mental factors and %27,3 other unknown reasons. When the treatment method in the recovery period considered rest covers %41,8 and physiotherapy covers %32,7 of the period. As a result of the study, it is thought that the study is useful to determine and inquire the reasons of the injuries of the gymnasts, to decrease the number of injuries and to find out precautions for the injuries and to make the institutions, athletes and trainers aware of the subject.


Tumbling Gymnastics, Teamgym, Sport Injuries


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