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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.758
~ 483
` 1036
a 72-79
Volume 4 - Jun 2015
We recently proposed in the International Journal of Sciences the use of GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, for enhancing the panoramic radiographic images. One of its tools, the Retinex filter, revealed itself quite suitable for detecting weak features hidden in the shadows of these radiographic images. Here we show that this filter, besides being relevant for medical and biologic imaging, can be helpful for enhancing the images coming from microscopy techniques related to other scientific investigations.
GIMP Retinex, Image Processing, Medical Imaging, Biologic Imaging, Panoramic Radiography, Radiographic Imaging, Kerr Microscopy, Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect, Polarized Light Microscopy, Liquid Crystals, Scanning Electron Microscopy
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