Author(s): Shima Shahverdi, Hamid reza Saremi, Mohammad Hadiyanpour
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.728
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Volume 4 - Dec 2015
Green urbanism probably contains the most similar ideas with sustainable urbanism. They both emphasize on urban design with nature, as well as shaping better communities and lifestyles. However, the principles of green urbanism are based on the triple-zero frameworks: zero fossil-fuel energy use, zero waste, and zero emissions. Sustainable Urbanism, on the other hand, is more focused on designing communities that are walk able and transit-served so that people will prefer to meet their daily needs on foot. In this research has been studied urban green space development process in Boroujerd city. Also, the aim of research, is achieving sustainable city. This study is applied and the research method is" descriptive – analytical". Also data collected is documents and field. In order to analyzing of data, was used spearman correlation and Bahram Soltani method .The findings show, percapita of green space isn’t well and far from with global standards. So, should be attempted in this issue. At finally was proposed percapita based on Bahram Soltani method.
Urban Green Space, Percapita, Bahram soltani method, Boroujerd city
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