Author(s): Adewumi A. A, Idowu E. O., Adeniji A. A.
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.726
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Volume 4 - Jul 2015
An investigation into the icthyofauna of Ogbese River, south west, Nigeria, was carried out between October 2010-February 2011. A total of 2,700 individual were caught during the study. Nine (9) species belonging to six (6) families were recorded during the period of study. However, six (6) species [Clarias gariepinus; (410), Heterobranchus bidorsalis (508), Oreochromis niloticus (508), Oreochromis niloticus (410), Mormyrus rume(227), Mormyrus macrophythamus (221) and Malapterurus electricus(341)], were dominant specie, Hepsetus odoe and Parachanna obscura were sub-dominant, while Tilapia zillii was rare. Claridae, followed by Mormyridae and Cichlidaewere the most dominant families (33.99%; 16.58%; 15.62%), while Hepsitidae, Channidae and Malapteruridae were sub-dominant. The highest percentage of relative abundance of the various fish species was recorded in October while the least was recorded in February 2011. The results of this survey showed that the river has low fish species composition and abundance, inspite of the size of the river. Considering this fact, there is need for further survey to cover more months. There is also a need to evolve strategies for effective utilization and proper management of the river, for optimum fish production.
Parachanna Obscrura, Diversity, Mormyridae, Abundance, Resources
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