Discovery of an Anomalous Non-contact Effect with a Pyramidal Structure

Discovery of an Anomalous Non-contact Effect with a Pyramidal Structure

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Author(s): Osamu Takagi, Masamichi Sakamoto, Hideo Yoichi, Hideyuki Kokubo, Kimiko Kawano, Mikio Yamamoto

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.714 537 2128 42-51 Volume 4 - May 2015


In 2013, we reported the existence of a meditator’s non-contact effect toward edible cucumber slices used as bio-sensors with which the meditator had no direct physical contact. In the present paper, we investigated the long-term change of this anomalous non-contact effect. We discovered that the effect is associated with a pyramidal structure. We also discovered with extremely high reliability a new phenomenon an "anomalous non-contact effect with a delay associated with a pyramidal structure" in which the meditator’s non-contact action creates a delayed effect over an extended period of time (10 or more days) after the non-contact action took place. We were able to approximate this anomalous non-contact effect with the delay by a mathematical formula describing a transient response phenomenon of the second order lag element system.


Meditator, Non-Contact Effect, Bio-Sensor, Cucumber, Pyramidal Structure, Delayed Effect


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