Qualitative and Quantitative Phytochemical Analysis of the Leaf, Stem Bark and Root of Bombax Ceiba (red Silk Cotton Tree) in North Central Nigeria

Qualitative and Quantitative Phytochemical Analysis of the Leaf, Stem Bark and Root of Bombax Ceiba (red Silk Cotton Tree) in North Central Nigeria

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Author(s): C. U. Aguoru, K. Akombor, J.O. Olasan

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.713 772 1426 37-41 Volume 4 - May 2015


Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical studies were carried out on the leaf, stem and root of Bombax ceiba. Aqueous and ethanolic extractions methods were adopted following standard procedures. Bioactive compounds were tested using standard methods of screening while quantification was done using gravimetric and spectroscopic approach. Result indicated the presence of saponnin, tannins, flavonoids and alkaloids in the leaf. The leaf organ lacked reducing sugar, anthraquinone, steroids and glycosides in the ethanolic extract. The major active principles present in the leaf were absent in the stem except flavonoid and phlobatannins. The roots however contained only reducing sugar and saponins among the constituents screened. The leaf was made up of 5.04% saponnins, 0.18% steroids and 3.1% flavonoids. The saponnin content of the root was 1.37% and 1.04% respectively. The stem bark had 1.52% alkaloids. Based on this finding, the leaf is the most important organ of medicinal importance in terms of quality and quantity of bioactive compounds present. The diverse array of phytochemicals present in the plant thus suggests its therapeutic potentials which may be explored in drug manufacturing industry as well as in traditional medicine.


Bombax ceiba, Phytochemical, Leaf, Stem, Root, Quality, Quantity


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