The Dynamical Entropy

The Dynamical Entropy

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Author(s): V. M. Somsikov

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.712 439 1281 30-36 Volume 4 - May 2015


The concept of dynamic entropy (D-entropy), proposed in the mechanics of structured particles is discussed. D-entropy is defined as the relative increase in the internal energy of the system due to its motion energy in the inhomogeneous field of external force. D-entropy is determined completely from the motion equation of the system without any statistical laws. Comparison of D-entropy with thermodynamic entropy of Clausius, Boltzmann's entropy and Kolmogorov - Sinai entropy is performed. The numerical results calculations of the changes of the systems’ D-entropy consisting from the different numbers of elements during their motions into the non-homogeneous space are given. Areas of application D- entropy and the possibility of its use for the analysis of dynamic systems are discussed.


dynamics, entropy, irreversibility, classical mechanics


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