Author(s): Raymond Lubem Tyohemba, Simon Terver Ubwa, Barnabas Atsinafe Oshido, Qrisstuberg Msughter Amua
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.709
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a 25-29
Volume 4 - May 2015
The proximate analysis and mineral composition of some commonly grown and consumed leafy vegetables in the middle belt region of Nigeria were studied to determine their nutritional content. They include Ficus thonningii, Annona senegalensis, Emilia coccinea and Hibiscus sabdariffa. The proximate analyses revealed the following range of result in the fresh sample; Moisture(62.32 -93.38%),Crude Fat( 0.05-0.71%), Crude Fibre (1.30-20.15%), Ash(1.06-2.37%), Crude Protein(0.03-0.33%),Carbohydrate (4.16 -15.12%)and Energy value (17.21 to 67.02 kJ/100g) while that for dried samples were Moisture(11.33-28.58%),Crude Fat(0.57-3.43%), Crude Fibre (10.51-36.86%),Ash(4.70-12.77%), Crude Protein(0.28-1.53%),Carbohydrate (33.11-62.11%) and Energy value(120.57 to 345.7 kJ/100g). There was no significant difference between the nutrient and mineral content of the studied vegetables. The wild vegetables contain appreciable amount of essential nutrient molecules and mineral elements needed for the maintenance of good nutritional status and thus can compete favourably with commonly consumed vegetables.
Proximate, Vegetables, Mineral analysis, Composition, Nutrient
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