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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.651
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Volume 4 - Mar 2015
To investigate the effect of mycorrhizal fungi on reduction of drought stress on related grain yield and yield components of mungbean plants, a pot culture was conducted based on Randomized Completely Design with three replications in Urmia University in 2009. The experiment with four irrigation regimes (25, 50, 75 and 100 mm of evaporation from a class A pan) were assigned at the first factor and two mycorrhiza species; Glomus mosseae, Glomus intraradices and a non-inoculated treatment at the second factor. Results showed that in both mycorrhizae species significantly (P<0.05) increased the grain yield, so Glomus intraradices (4.29 g/plant) and Glomus mosseae (4.31 g/plant) had the highest grain yield. Non inoculated treatment had the lowest (2.64 g/plant) grain yield. The maximum (5.14 g/plant) and minimum (1.97 g/plant) grain yield achieved in irrigation after 25 and 100 mm evaporation from pan, respectively. With increasing water deficit stress decreased relative water content, pod length, seeds/pod, pods/plant and seeds/plant. Mycorrhizae colonization (r=0.72**), relative water content (r = 0.76**), pod length (r = 0.90**), seeds/pod (r = 0.74**), pods/plant (r = 0.71**) and Seeds/plant (r = 0.86**) had the positive correlation coefficients with grain yield. Also, results showed that mycorrhizae species affected grain yield of mungbean plants through their effect on pod length, seeds/pod, pods/plant and seeds/plant under well-watered and drought stress conditions.
Colonization, Drought stress, Grain yield, Mungbean, Mycorrhiza, Yield components
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