Morphogenesis Introduced Varietes Of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea L. In Culture In Vitro

Morphogenesis Introduced Varietes Of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea L. In Culture In Vitro

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Author(s): Elena Kutas, Aleksandr Veyevnik, Vladimir Titok, Lyubov Ogorodnik

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358 851 31-34 Volume 4 - Feb 2015


The results of experimental studies of morphogenesis of four introduced varietes cowberry ('Koralle', 'Masovia', 'Erntedank', 'Erntekröne') in culture in vitro on three types of nutrient media of nine modifications. It was found, that of all the investigated types of nutrient media among the most active shoot formation and rhizogenesis was observed on the medium WPM (№ 8) and Anderson (№ 9). This demonstrates a proof of universality of these types of media for both morphogenetic processes: shoot formation and rhizogenesis. On the basis of study of morphogenesis of explants proceeding from the introduced varietes Vaccinium vitis-idaea in aseptic culture on various types of nutrient media was shown a principal possibility to regenerate it in two ways: 1) by activation of axillary meristems , 2 ) through the callus proliferation and subsequent formation of a shoot. Research results obtained in the study of morphogenesis in four different types of explants of introduced varietes of cowberry on modified nutrient media, used by us in the elaboration of technology of micropropagation of these varietes.


morphogenesis, introduced varietes of cowberry, aseptic culture


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