Evaluation of the Roche Cobas TaqScreen Multiplex V 2.0 Test for Blood Screening: A Saudi Arabian Study

Evaluation of the Roche Cobas TaqScreen Multiplex V 2.0 Test for Blood Screening: A Saudi Arabian Study

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Author(s): AL Quthami Khalid, Fadel Qabani, Mazen G Saeedi, Fauziah F Abusaadh, Suliman A Esmat, Saeed A Badahdah

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440 1348 26-30 Volume 4 - Feb 2015


Clinical specificity and genotype/subtype detection of viruses using the Cobas TaqScreen MPX system V 2.0, which is a nucleic acid test (NAT) that uses multiples for hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) strain variants, were investigated. The 95% LOD was employed in the experiment and the results returned a positive accuracy of 99.6%. which is consistent with the expected success rate as specified by Roche.


NAT, Multiplex, PCR


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