Assessment Of The Villagers Perception On Forest Resource Management Within The Khammouane Provincial Protected Area, Lao PDR

Assessment Of The Villagers Perception On Forest Resource Management Within The Khammouane Provincial Protected Area, Lao PDR

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Author(s): Chanthakhad SOUPHIDA, Xiaodong LIU

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525 1211 1-6 Volume 4 - Feb 2015


This study aims to assess the perception of villagers in two villages for forest resources management and analyzes the forest resources uses patterns of the people residing surrounding the Khammouane provincial protected area (PPA), Khaymaeb and Houayhaed villages, Boualapha district, Khammouane province. The research findings revealed that: the involvement of the villagers in forestry resources management was somewhat limited, just only 1 or 2 times per year. Forestry resources management prior the year 2000 was at the medium level of 59.91%. Forestry resources management after the year 2000 is at the good level of 52.72%. Compliance level with laws and regulations of the villagers is about 69.09. Established the management regulations by the government is 69.09%, the concept of establishing the provincial protected area is 61.82%. Forestry resources management is very important for livelihood and 49.09% said that it has improved their livelihoods. The forestry resources management regulations set by the government is said to be 74.44% appropriate. Construction activities that need less than 5 cubic meters of wood, 94.55% of them have asked permission from village authority. Construction activities that need above 5 cubic meters of wood, 64.45% of them have asked permission from village authority and 34.55% requested from district authority. The sources of wood for construction about 61.82% taken from the village collective forest. 50.91% of the fire wood also collected from the village collective forest and 10.91% from village protected area. For the prohibition on utilizing the non timber forest products (NTFPs) is that it is prohibited to collect NTFPs unlimitedly covered 87.27%. the sectors hat monitored and inspected the forest resources in the village areas, 60% will be done by the security and defense units based in such 2 villages, 43.73% of the interviewees did not receive the data/information on forestry resources management, the benefits of involvement in forestry management is 43.34% which is highly feasible.


Forest resource management, villagers’ perception, socio-economic status


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