Periodic Distortions In Nematics Caused By Flexoelectricity And Saddle-Splay Elasticity

Periodic Distortions In Nematics Caused By Flexoelectricity And Saddle-Splay Elasticity

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.610 433 1194 1-7 Volume 4 - Jan 2015


In liquid crystal materials, the coupling between their elastic field and an external action, such as electric and magnetic fields or the confinement created by free surfaces or cell walls, can give rise to periodic domains. Here, some simple calculations are proposed for nematics in planar cells, where undulations are caused by flexoelectricity and saddle-splay elasticity.


Liquid Crystals, Nematics, Flexoelectricity, Saddle-Splay Elasticity


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