Obtention and Evaluation of Lyophilized Pulp Powder of Different Cultivars of Avocado

Obtention and Evaluation of Lyophilized Pulp Powder of Different Cultivars of Avocado

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Author(s): Angela Kwiatkowski, Dalany Menezes de Oliveira, Diego Rodrigues Marques, Janksyn Bertozzi, Edmar Clemente

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452 1049 1-7 Volume 3 - Dec 2014


There are many studies focused on the extraction and commercialization of lipid fractions of avocado pulp, because its integral pulp has few applications in food industry, due to many problems, such as fast enzymatic darkening that causes alterations in color and flavor. This enzymatic control is a challenge for food industry, since it depends on many interrelated chemical and biochemical factors. Drying avocado pulp may reduce the activity of some oxidative enzymes and keep stability for other compounds. Thus, this work aimed at lyophilizing pulps of different avocado cultivars and evaluating their physicochemical and biochemical characteristics. It was determined pulp coloration, moisture content, acidity, total and reducing sugars, proteins, lipids, ashes, phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and activity of oxidative enzymes (polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase). The results characterized the avocado pulp powders, highlighting a high antioxidant activity, which may control enzymatic activity.


Persea Americana Mill, drying, enzymatic darkening, phenolic compounds


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