Author(s): Konan Evrard Brice Dibi, Amani Michel KOUAKOU, Tchérégnimin Josué YÉO, Ibrahim FOFANA, Boni N’ZUE, Casimir Yao BROU
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Volume 3 - Nov 2014
This study was designed to evaluate the effects of planting modes on mini tubers formation from vine cuttings obtained from white yam (D. rotundata) and the greater yam (D. alata ). Four-month old vine cuttings obtained from two local cultivars (krenglè and kponan) of D.rotundata and two improved varieties (C18 and 140) of D.alata were planted following three planting modes in planting holes containing carbonized rice husk and arranged in ridges. The three planting modes were: 2nH (2-node cutting planted horizontally with the 2 nodes buried), 2nV (2-node cutting planted vertically with 1-node buried) and 3nH (3-node cutting planted horizontally with 2 nodes buried). The vine cuttings were sampled for survival percentage 14 DAP (days after planting), for number of new stems (%), for number and weight (g) of mini tubers 150 DAP. There were significant (P < 0, 05) differences in number and weight of tubers produced on vine cuttings of krenglè, kponan, 140 and C18. The number and weight of tubers obtained from vine cuttings planted out according to mode 3nH were significantly different (P < 0.05) from others planting modes.
Yam, vine cutting, planting mode, tuber production
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