Study Post - Harvest about Impact and Compression Mechanical in the Cell Quality of Guava Fruit (CV. Paluma)

Study Post - Harvest about Impact and Compression Mechanical in the Cell Quality of Guava Fruit (CV. Paluma)

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Author(s): Edmar Clemente, Roselene Ferreira Oliveira, Vanessa Daiane Mendes, Simone Molina

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535 933 30-34 Volume 3 - Aug 2014


Information about the development and anatomy of Psidium guajava L. (Myrtaceae) is very important the for proper management of harvested fruits. The goal of this study was to evaluate the quality of cell guava produced at the Centenary small farm in the County of Mandaguaçu and delivered in local markets. Ripe fruit guavas of control treatment were collected in the morning at the Centenary small farm in the County of Mandaguaçu in the commercial maturation, defined by skin color yellowish and guavas with possible cell injuries were collected from boxes of the local market. After harvest, the fruits were taken to the laboratory at University, where were made the analyses of the morphology of fruits of guava (cv. Paluma). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications of five fruit per treatment. Analysis made showed that the guavas were presenting order in the cellular structures. The fruits showed large cell expansion and the presence of thin fragile sclereids that occurs due to the process of ripening of fruit. In this sense, it can be conclude that the handling during harvesting and transportation of fruits was appropriate for this phase. The fruits showed great physical and cell characteristics which are desirable for the consumer.


guava, cv. Paluma, mechanical injury, pericarp anatomy


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