Co-occurrence Matrices of Time Series Applied to Literary Works

Co-occurrence Matrices of Time Series Applied to Literary Works

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.533 442 1131 12-18 Volume 3 - Jul 2014


Recently, it has been proposed to analyse the literary works, plays or novels, using graphs to display the social network of their interacting characters. In this approach, the timeline of the literary work is lost, because the storyline is projected on a planar graph. However, timelines can be used to build some time series and analyse the work by means of vectors and matrices. These series can be used to describe the presence and relevance, not only of words in the text, but also of persons and places portrayed in the drama or novel. In this framework, we discuss here an approach with co-occurrence matrices plotted over time, concerning the presence of characters in the pages of a novel. These matrices are similar to those appearing in recurrence plots.


Literary experiments, Time series, Co-occurrence plots, Harry Potter


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