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Volume 3 - Jul 2014
Twenty three improved bread wheat varieties and one local check were evaluated with the objective of selecting adaptable and best performing bread wheat varieties for bread wheat production areas of south omo zone. The trial was conducted at Senmamer kebele of Debub Ari woreda during 2012 cropping seasons using randomized complete block design under rain faid condition. Grain yield, thousand seed weight, days to heading, days to maturity and plant height ranged from 1222.8 to 2150.5, 50.9 to 34.9, 51 to 71, 114 to 132 and 57.0 to 76.7, respectively .This experiment suggests that the variety Digelo was recommended to increase production and productivity of bread wheat in South Ari district of South omo zone.
Bread, wheat, evaluating, grain, yield
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