Compressibility Factor and Formation Volume Factor of Liberated Natural Gas at Different Pressures by GC

Compressibility Factor and Formation Volume Factor of Liberated Natural Gas at Different Pressures by GC

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Author(s): Ashraf Yehia El-Naggar

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479 1212 44-47 Volume 3 - May 2014


The physical properties, compressibility factor (Z) and formation volume factor (FVF) and specific gravity of liberated natural gases from the studied western desert reservoir at different pressures and at ambient temperature were studied by gas chromatography GC. The gas compressibility factor and specific gravity are highly decrease with the increase of pressure from 0 to 2500 but above this pressure there is an increase with increase of gas specific gravity due to the increase of the heavier gases in the sample. It is required in connection with gas compression for the design of compressors and pressure vessels. F.V.F. of gas highly decreases with the increase of natural gas pressure till reaching a pressure of 2000 psi and showing slightly decrease up to 3500 psi this relation is very important for the observed volumes of gas production at the surface to that corresponding underground withdrawal.


Physical properties, liberated natural gas, pressures, gas chromatography


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