Chemical Composition of Lebanese Eryngium Creticum L.

Chemical Composition of Lebanese Eryngium Creticum L.

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Author(s): Hassan Rammal, Mirella Dammous, Hussein Farhan, Akram Hijazi, Ali Bassal, Hussein Fayyad-Kazan, Yolla Makhour, Bassam Badran

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613 1621 40-53 Volume 3 - Apr 2014


This work aimed to purify, identify and quantify some of the bioactive compounds in the aqueous and ethanolic extracts from a Lebanese Eryngium creticum L. in addition to evaluate its metal content, particularly trace elements and thus to estimate its antioxidant activity. The phytochemical screening results indicated the presence of different bioactive compounds in both extracts mainly phenolic compounds, alkaloids, glycosides, terpenoids and flavonoids. On the other hand, XRF showed that this plant contains metals such silver, zirconium, nickel, selenium, niobium and molybdenum, iron, calcium, manganese and copper. The results of three in vitro antioxidant methods, DPPH, Ferrozine and H2O2 showed a significant antioxidant activity in both ethanolic and aqueous extracts revealing that E. creticum is a good source of different antioxidant and bioactive compounds.


Eryngium creticum L., phytochemical screening, trace elements, antioxidant activity, GC-MS


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