Assess State Forest and Determine Main Group of Forest Tree Species for Different Purposes in Hoang Su Phi District, Ha Giang Province, Vietnam

Assess State Forest and Determine Main Group of Forest Tree Species for Different Purposes in Hoang Su Phi District, Ha Giang Province, Vietnam

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Author(s): Nguyen Trong Minh

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427 929 31-39 Volume 3 - Apr 2014


North region in Hoang Su Phi district, a largest forest land area including 5 communes received a great attention of Vietnam’s and local government. In this region, natural forests consist of a number of different forest types in which most of them are young forests and regenerated forests with some main species such as Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth., Alnus nepalensis D. Don, Betula alnoides Buch. - Ham., Toona surelii (Blume) Merr. Despite of the fact that these forest areas had a low volume, they still have a great potential to develop much better such as having a good regeneration tree layer, a larger of proportion of target trees and a high percentage of regenerated trees at a good quality level. Moreover, the group of non-timber trees, a rich species diversity group, has 289 species of 4 main life-forms. In study area, the largest plantation area consist of 3 species (Pinus Kesiya, Acacia mangium and Cunminghamia lanceolata) that adapted to site condition and found to have a normal growth. Based on evaluation criteria for afforestation purpose, this study selected 10 species for protection forests and 19 species for plantation production purposes. However, when combined with the results of forest investigation and ecological conditions in research region, the number of selected forest tree species were proposed 15 timber tree species and 8 non-timber species for planting in this area.


Hoang Su Phi district, natural forest, selected forest tree species, protection forest, production forest


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