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Volume 3 - Apr 2014
The growing stock and the utilization of white bamboo (Bambusa membranacea C.M.A. Stapleton & N.H.Xia) were studied at Huay Mae Hin Community Forest, locating in the natural Mixed Deciduous Forest with Teak of Mae Nam Ngao Watershed. Results showed that the bamboo growing stocks consisting of 760,760 culms by which 43,696 culms of about 5.74 percent of the total growing stock was harvested. The relationship between the bamboo utilization and the growing stock in the community forest was found significantly correlated. More enrichment planting to restore Mae Nam Ngao Watershed and intensive management of bamboo forests were suggested.
Bambusa membranacea, Growing stock and utilization of bamboo, Huay Mae Hin Community Forest
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