Effect of the Oral Intake of Some Soft Drinks on the Fasting Blood Glucose Level and Lipid Profile of Albino Rats

Effect of the Oral Intake of Some Soft Drinks on the Fasting Blood Glucose Level and Lipid Profile of Albino Rats

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Author(s): L. J Goje, H. Joshua, I. Shuaibu, P. E Ghamba, S. G Mafulul

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495 1836 70-75 Volume 3 - Jun 2014


The study was carried out to discover the effects of the oral intake of some soft drinks (Fanta, Sprite, Fayrouz, Coca-cola and Schweppes) on blood glucose level and lipid profile of albino rats. The rats were grouped into 6 each containing 4 rats, and were allowed to fast for 12hrs, their fasting blood glucose was taken to know their pre treatment fasting blood glucose level. Group 1 was administered with normal saline, group 2 was given Fanta, group 3 was given Sprite, group 4 was given Schweppes, group 5 was given Fayrouz and group 6 was given Coca-cola. All the groups were administered with 3ml of the soft drink per 100g body weight twice a day respectively throughout the period of the research. The research lasted for 14 days. On the last day the rats were allowed to fast again for a period of 12hrs after which the fasting blood glucose level was determined; finally, the rats were sacrificed by cervical decapitation and the serum collected for the determination of lipid profile. There was statistical difference (p<0.05) in fasting blood glucose between the pre-treatment and post-treatment values. Group 2 (Fanta fed rats) and Group 6(Coca-cola fed rats) showed high level of glucose (p<0.05) compared to normal control, while the groups administered with Sprite, Schweppes and Fayrouz respectively showed no statistical difference in fasting blood glucose level when compared to the normal control. In the analysis of lipid profile, the group administered with Fanta exhibited high level of total cholesterol, low level of triglyceride and low density lipoprotein and normal level of high density lipoprotein. The group given Coca-cola showed low level of total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein and normal level of low density lipoprotein, while the group given Schweppes showed high level of total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein. The group given Fayrouz showed high level of Cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and low level of Triglyceride and high density lipoprotein. Lastly, the group given Sprite showed no statistical difference in all these parameters when compared to the control group. Therefore, it was concluded that among the various soft drinks used in the present study, it was only Sprite soft drink that appeared not to be implicated as a predisposing factor to any of the diseases considered.


Soft drinks, Predisposing factor, Diabetes melitus, cardiovascular diseases, Lipid profile, Fasting blood glucose


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