Author(s): Aceng Ruyani, Agus Sundaryono, Zico Fakhrur Rozi, Dian Samitra, Efri Gresinta
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Volume 3 - Jan 2014
This study was aimed to assess potential of leaf ethanolic extract Etlingera hemisphaerica in regulating glucose and triglyseride on mice (Mus musculus). METHODS: Two extract assesments were composed of five group (1 control, 3 dosages of extract, and 1 comparator drug), and each group were replicated by 5 of M. musculus. Pathological conditions were performed by giving 10 % sugar in drink for hyperglycemia, and a high fat diet for hypertriglyceride during 10 days. There were three dosages of the extract (0.13, 0.26, and 0.39) mg/g body weight (bw), and two comparator drugs (glibenclamid 0.52 mg/g bw as anti diabetic and simvastatin 0.052 mg/kg bw as anti hypertriglyceride). Both dosage extract and comparator drug were administrated by gavage on day 11, while the control group received only sesame oil solvent in the same manner. Blood samples were obtained from the tail to determine glucose and triglyceride levels before and after treatment. RESULTS: Treatment with 0.39 mg/gbw extracts decreased glucose from baseline (117.8 mg/dL) to the end (75.20 mg/dL) on day 13 as much as 36.16 % while glibenclamid decreased 38.00%. Triglyceride test revealed that 0.39 mg/gbw extract decreased from baseline (127.4 mg/dL) to the end (100.4 mg/dL) on day 13 as much as 21.19% which was equivalent to 21.20% caused by simvastatin. CONCLUSION: Leave ethanolic extract of E. hemisphaerica (0.39 mg/g bw) potentially decrease blood glucose (36.2 %) and triglyceride (21.19%) in M. musculus.
E.hemispaerica, ethanolic extract, M. musculus, glucose, triglyceride
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