Complete Heart Block in β-Thalassemia Minor with Pregnancy: A Case Report

Complete Heart Block in β-Thalassemia Minor with Pregnancy: A Case Report

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Author(s): Charan Reddy KV, Jagdish Bedekar, Amrit Kejriwal

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481 1042 12-13 Volume 3 - Feb 2014


This is a case report of a 22-year-old Indian woman with 37 week gestation (primi-gravidae), a known case of congenital β-thalassemia trait came for routine check-up without any complaints. She has a fixed bradycardia (heart rate 45 beats/minute-BPM) and her electrocardiogram showed complete heart block (CHB). The relation between β-Thalassemia trait and third degree heart block is not reported in the medical literature. The correct diagnosis of the patient was based on appropriate clinical observations, ECG findings and deliberation of the differential diagnosis.


β-Thalassemia Trait, Complete Heart Block and Pregnancy


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