The Use of Remote Sensing and GIS to Identify Water Erosion Risks Areas in the Moroccan High Atlas. The Case Study of the N’fis Wadi Watershed

The Use of Remote Sensing and GIS to Identify Water Erosion Risks Areas in the Moroccan High Atlas. The Case Study of the N’fis Wadi Watershed

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Author(s): AMAYA Adama, Abdellah ALGOUTI, Ahmed ALGOUTI

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465 1025 43-51 Volume 3 - Feb 2014


The N’fis wadi is a part of hydraulic Tensift watershed. It starts in the axial zone of the Marrakech High Atlas. The water erosion in the N'fis watershed promotes dams collectors siltation, which is a major water supply problem in this area. The present work is to develop a water erosion risk map of the N’fis Wadi watershed; in the aim to enable decision makers, implementing a management strategy of the watershed, in order to fight against siltation. In this context a methodological approach is adopted to achieve our objective. This approach is based on the creation of several thematic maps (hypsometric, slope, friability, fracturing, and vegetation cover) with digital processing of the satellite Landsat data, SRTM data, topographic maps and geological map of the study area. The superposition of these maps allowed the identification of the active water erosion areas, across the watershed. This card is validated by field surveys.


N’fis watershed, siltation, water risk, remote sensing, GIS


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