Author(s): Karidia TRAORE, Claude kouadio KOUASSI, Hervé Roland KOUASSI, Dodiomon SORO
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Volume 3 - Jan 2014
This study was carried out in the sugar-producing plants of Ferkessédougou, a city located north of the Ivory Coast, 580 km away from Abidjan, in the sub-Sudanese area. In the course of this work, a floristic inventory has been performed according to a stratified sampling method. The surveys which, in each plot, consisted in noting the presence of the species therein, irrespective of the number of individuals during a cycle of the 2011 crop year, helped us to identify 129 weed species. Such species belonging to 83 genera can be broken down into 30 families. The varied floristic diversity indexes so identified show that there is a great diversity within this flora. The similarity factor between the weed flora under this study and that of Boraud (2000), higher than 50 percent confirmed the homogeneity of both floras. Common species that are 72 in number constitute the core group of plant species of weeds as regards sugar cane cultivation.
Weed, sugar cane, floristic diversity index, similarity factor, Ferkessédougou
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