Author(s): Noura HANIF, CHAIR mohammed, CHBANI IDRISSI mostapha, NAOKI tojo
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Volume 3 - Jan 2014
The red algae Gelidium sesquipedale is the main source of agar; 44% of world production. This natural resource is subject to intensive exploitation and has significant signs of deterioration. To enable the local industry to continue its development, it was necessary to find new sources of raw material. In this regard, we conducted this study to show the best time of collection of this species. The pursuit of growth parameters (the length of the thallus, the mass of the fronds and the total number of branches) of Gelidium sesquipedale in the three stations (Lahdida (North of Azemmour), Moulay Abdellah and Sidi Abed) in the Moroccan Atlantic coast has identified the best period for collection from July to September each year.
red algae, Gelidium sesquipedale, production, resource, collection, agar, growth
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