People’s Participation in the Production Forest Management in the Middle Part of Lao

People’s Participation in the Production Forest Management in the Middle Part of Lao

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Author(s): Yujun Sun, Khambay KHAMPHILAVONG

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451 1093 22-29 Volume 2 - Dec 2013


The objective of this research was to study the determine the socio-economic, the level assessment of people’s partic-ipation in production forest management in the south east of Lao. The samples consisted of 111 villagers were live in Khangchone and Khorksavang village, who was asked complete the questionnaire. The survey data were analyzed by Microsoft Excel program, percentage, distribution, maximum, minimum, standard deviation, average values and Chi-quare test research hypothesis and statistical significance level was set at 0.05. The results showed: people’s par-ticipation in the production forest management were 3 activities participation in the decision making planning was never and total average points was 8.18, participation in implementation was rather much and total average points was 24.45, participation in monitoring and evaluation was a little level and total average point was 22.25, the condi-tions related to people’s participation forest management at Khangchone sub-forest management area were the posi-tion within the household, the position of household leaders within the society and the receiving of forest manage-ment news.


Community forest management, common property, socio-economic status, relationship of participation


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