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Volume 2 - Nov 2013
This study uses two methods of measuring the effectiveness of different management of protected areas, namely RAPPAM and METT. In this study compared the management of conservation areas between Merapi Volcano National Park, Indonesia and Beijing Songshan National Nature Reserve, China. The research was conducted by interviews and questionnaires with the manager and staff. The results revealed that Merapi Volcano NP and Songshan NNR have managed quite effectively. On RAPPAM methods, Merapi Volcano NP has management index of 0.63, and Songshan NNR 0.844. METT methods score for Merapi Volcano NP of 2.3, and Songshan NNR of 2.47. Those values are above the midpoint of the maximum value possible. RAPPAM and METT methods can be used simultaneously to capture the effectiveness of protected area management, as well as to determine the priority activities that need to be streamlined.
Protected areas, RAPPAM, METT, Songshan National Nature Reserve, Merapi Volcano National Park, Effectiveness
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