Quality Assessment of 12-Lead ECG in Body Sensor Network

Quality Assessment of 12-Lead ECG in Body Sensor Network

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Author(s): Amal N. El-Sari, Reda A. El-Khoribi

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552 1029 100-105 Volume 2 - Oct 2013


Body sensor network (BSN) is simple and effective biophysical data capture in real time to monitor human activities, such as health status and physiological signals for a wide range of application area. Electrocardiogram (ECG) uses medical body sensors to record the electrical activity of the heart to help diagnose of heart disease, and also monitor how well different heart medications are working. ECG is usually by affected by various types of noises. The most common noises originated from the power line interference, electrodes loss contact, baselines wander and motion artifact. This paper introduces a new technique for improving the quality of ECG using multi scale quantitive recurrence analysis (QRA) for feature extraction and decision tree classifier. The approach achieved classification accuracy of 92.4%, when tested on a dataset from the Computing in cardiology/PhysioNet Challenge 2011.


BSN, ECG, QRA, Decision tree


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