Robert Grosseteste and his Treatise on Lines, Angles and Figures of the Propagation of Light

Robert Grosseteste and his Treatise on Lines, Angles and Figures of the Propagation of Light

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.295 503 1225 101-107 Volume 2 - Sep 2013


Robert Grosseteste, an English philosopher and scientist, Bishop of Lincoln, is considered as the founder of the scientific thought in medieval Oxford. During the beginning of the XIII century he wrote several scientific papers concerning light and its propagation, where he based the description of some phenomena on the use of geometry. Here we will translate and discuss one of his scientific treatises concerning light, which is entitled De Lineis, Angulis et Figuris, seu Fractionibus et Reflexionibus Radiorum. Since to Grosseteste, the propagation of light had the main role in the creation of the world, the use of its geometry becomes a method to solve the complexity of the physical world. However, besides the use of geometry, we will find in this interesting text the description of some phenomena concerning the intensity of reflected and refracted light, which seems well-posed, even when compared with the modern Fresnel theory.


History of Science, Medieval Science, Optics


  1. N. Lewis, Robert Grosseteste. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter Edition, 2010).
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  3. A.C. Crombie, Grosseteste's Position in the History of Science, in Robert Grosseteste: Scholar and Bishop, ed. Daniel A. Callus, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955, Pages 98–120
  4. L. Baur, editor, Die Philosophischen Werke des Robert Grosseteste, Bischofs von Lincoln, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 1912
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  6. A.C. Crombie, Science. Art and Nature in Medieval and Modern Thought, Continuum International Publishing Group, Aug 2, 2003
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  9. Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories, edited by C.H. Lüthy, J.E. Murdoch and W. Royall Newman, Brill, 2001, Page 190
  10. The Latin text is available at “The Electronic Grosseteste”,
  11. A.G. Padgett, The Roots of the Western Concept of the “Laws of Nature”: From the Greeks to Newton, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, Volume 55, Number 4, December 2003,
  12. E. Grant, A Source Book in Medieval Science, Harvard University Press, 1974
  13. P. Tregenza and D. Loe, The Design of Lighting, Taylor & Francis, 1998
  14. J.L. Lindsey, Applied Illumination Engineering, The Fairmont Press, Inc., 1997
  15. C.C. Riedl, Robert Grosseteste, On Light, Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1942
  16. S.H. Westin,

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