Author(s): Phyu Phyu Thinn, Yi Xie, Aung Si Thu Thein
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2810
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Volume 13 - Dec 2024
Forests are vital for sustainable livelihoods, environmental conservation, and poverty alleviation, yet they face growing threats from deforestation and forest degradation due to both direct and indirect causes. community forestry (CF), a promising approach for sustainable forest management, has been widely adopted in Myanmar to address socio-economic and environmental challenges. This study investigates the management practices, community rules, silvicultural operations, and forest conditions of community forests and state-managed forests in Nyaung Shwe Township, part of the Inle Lake watershed. Data from 58 systematically distributed sample plots were analyzed to assess species composition, diversity, and structural parameters. The results showed that community forests had higher species diversity, richness, and evenness compared to state-managed forests. Notably, Shorea siamensis emerged as the most ecologically significant species in both forest types. The diameter distribution revealed a dominance of mid-sized trees, indicating regeneration potential but also highlighting the challenges posed by annual forest fires and limited silvicultural engagement. Management practices in community forests emphasized conservation and local participation, though gaps in benefit-sharing mechanisms were noted. These findings underscore the importance of community forestry in promoting biodiversity and sustainable forest management while emphasizing the need for enhanced community engagement and institutional support.
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