A Reconstitution of the Face of the French Bayard Knight (1473?-1524) Based on DNA Analyses and on Informatics Study of his Official Portrait

A Reconstitution of the Face of the French Bayard Knight (1473?-1524) Based on DNA Analyses and on Informatics Study of his Official Portrait

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Author(s): Gérard Lucotte

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2801 15 30 57-75 Volume 13 - Sep 2024


We report here results concerning the reconstitution of the face of Bayard (1473?-1524), a famous French knight. This reconstitution was based on six main characteristics of his cranium : (brachygnathy, elevated height of the mandibular corpus, non protruding and squared osseous chin, lepteny, long nose with a bump, and deviation to the right of the nose point), on results of DNA studies (concerning skin, eyes and hair colours and his susceptibility to baldness), and on informatics treatment of his official (of Gariel) portrait.


Bayard Knight, Reconstitution of His Face, Anatomic Characteristics of His Face, DNA Studies, Informatics Treatment of His Portrait, Facegen Programme


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